darilo Tag

Tree colours

For my illustrations I often use color palettes that I find on the web. After my last trip to Portugal, I decided to create colour palettes that could be interesting also for others. I try them as colour inspiration for my illustrations. I hope...

Tree colours

For my illustrations I often use color palettes that I find on the web. After my last trip to Portugal, I decided to create colour palettes that could be interesting also for others. I try them as colour inspiration for my illustrations. I hope...

Najboljša vzgojiteljica na svetu

Sem mama treh otrok in končno tudi ta najmanjši zapušča vrtec, saj bo septembra postal pravi šolarček. A vsakič znova se ob tej priliki med mamicami pojavi dilema. Kaj kupiti vzgojiteljicam za darilo in spomin. Kakšno darilo je dovolj dobro, da bi z njim...